Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Spending on Advertising

Over the next while I'm going to post excerpts of my article published in Waste Advantage Magazine for discussion.

Most sources attribute the following quote to John Wannamaker, although I did find that it has also been attributed to William Lever:

“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.”

What is your initial reaction to this quote?


  1. Hi Dennis. Hope all is well. I just read your article in Waste Advantage. Interestingly enough, our Department just had a seminar on social media and how to use Facebook and Twitter. I guess I'm part of the "younger generation" compared to my co-workers and already knew about all these social media outlets :). I think social media is a great idea for those who have ready internet access!

    On the topic of communicating, what if the neighborhoods we are trying to change recycling behaviors in do not have ready internet access to participate in these "conversations"? What are other tools we can use? Any references/information would be great!

  2. Rowena -
    In Hamilton, we're trying to reach people in person if we can't through traditional or emerging media outlets.
    We've been trying to reach neighbourhood associations so that we can participate in their monthly meetings or annual bbqs - whatever they may already be doing that we can attend. This way we get to have conversations offline, rather than online.
